WP2 Institutional Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer

Description of work

  •    Widening knowledge and understanding about new research directions e.g. climate change, nanotechnology,
  •    Building the network between scientists (research in science) and (research in education).
  •    Building the network between industry and research in education towards promoting life skills (UH practices).
  •     Building the network/service system between universities, science centres and schools (2-way knowledge transfer).
  •    Strengthening the network between international professional (science related) societies (IUPAC, RRSC, etc.) and science education research associations (ESERA, EARLI, ERIDOB; ECRICE, EUROVARIETY, etc.).


  1. UT “job shadow” staff visits to WEIZ, UH (to science laboratories, especially for educational staff; for scientists involved in education school visits, participation in teacher training events)
  2. 2-3 days of individual observation of experts’ work followed by discussions and interaction, if possible fulfilling/supporting regular tasks of the expert
  3. UT Industry visits (ā 5 days) to partner countries: meeting with industry staff development leaders in partner countries to learn about competencies needed in industrial settings – seminars organised by partner institutions
  4. Best practices introduced by partners during the Research seminars in Estonia; open for a wider specialised audience of circa 20 persons (in correlation with WP3)
  5. Within the framework of the planned Researcher visits to WEIZ, UH (ā 4 days), visit schools in partner countries, complemented by school visits in Estonia, to reflect/understand the education background (theories, teaching approaches), use of and creating new teaching supports, assessment (assessing competence, school-based assessment advances, e.g. use of mobile phones to collect/store/transfer data), promotion of teaching approaches (4-stage model), developing teaching models (by teacher, by students as an assessment exercise)