University of Helsinki

Jari Lavonen

Jari Lavonen

Call: +358 5 0415 5317


Jari Lavonen


Department of Education, University of Helsinki (Finland)


Dr. Jari Lavonen is a Professor of Science Education at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He is currently a director of the National Teacher Education Forum and chair of the Finnish Matriculation Examination Board. He has been researching both science and technology and teacher education for the last 31 years. His publications include 150 refereed scientific papers in journals and books, 140 other articles, and 160 books on education for science teachers and science education.

Web-page: Jari Lavonen

Kalle Juuti

Kalle Juuti

Call: +358 5 0318 2170


Kalle Juuti

assoc. professor

Department of Education, University of Helsinki (Finland)


Assoc. Prof. Kalle Juuti has been working at the faculty since 2005 in. He is also vice head of classroom teacher education program. He has been a member of several committees in the faculty and in a national level including national level physics and environmental sciences curriculum in comprehensive school. His main research interests are students’ interest and motivation. He has participated in several European Union research projects. He has published, together with other researchers 74 scientific papers in refereed journals or scholarly books. .

Web-page: Kalle Juuti

Anni Loukomies

Call: +358 5 0556 0012


Anni Loukomies


Department of Education, University of Helsinki (Finland)


Dr. Anni Loukomies is a lecturer in the Viikki Teacher Training School, University of Helsinki, Finland, where she works as a class teacher in primary level and as a teacher educator and mentor for the student teachers during their teaching placement period. She is also a researcher at the faculty. Her main research interests lie in teacher education and science teaching and learning, especially the affective side of science learning related to motivation and interest. She has participated in European Union research projects as a researcher. She has also been a member in the Physics working group of the Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE). The group has been of its own part preparing the new national core curriculum for basic and pre-primary education. 

Web-page: Anni Loukomies