Ron Naaman
Department of Chemical Physics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Professor Ron Naaman is an eminent scientist in Experimentalist in Chemical Physics. His research is highly interdisciplinary and combines hybrid organic-inorganic systems with sophisticated physical measurements that are often applied to systems containing bio-molecules. Published more than 300 reviewed papers. Was involved in initiating new research fields like the Coulomb Explosion Imaging, scattering atoms and molecules from surfaces covered with self-assembled organic monolayers, developed the Low Energy Photoelectrons Transmission (LEPET) spectroscopy, and recently the Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity (CISS) effect. Co-inventor of several technologies, the Microsphere based electrons amplifier (produced by El-Mul Ltd.), the Novatron- a submicron vacuum tube (Produced by Novatrans SA), and the Molecular Controlled Semiconductor Resistor (in collaboration with Given-Imaging). New method for enantioseparation (Kiralis). In SciCar he takes the responsibility of organizing staff visits to science laboratories and job shadow. He will help to overcome contradiction between science and social science research in education.
CV: Ron Naaman