Miia Rannikmäe


Vanemuise 46-227, Tartu, 51003 Estonia

Contact Information

Call: +372 5660 1695

Email: miia.rannikmae@ut.ee

Miia Rannikmäe

Head of the project, professor

Centre for Science Education, University of Tartu (Estonia)


Miia Rannikmäe  is professor in Science education in Centre for Science Education in the Institute of Earth and Life Sciences within the Faculty of Science and Technology. She has considerable experience in science education in Estonia, Europe and worldwide (Fulbright fellow – University of Iowa, USA). She has a strong school teaching background, extensive experience in pre- and in-service teacher training and has strong links with science teacher associations worldwide. She has been a member of an EC high-level group associated with the publication of a 2004 report on ‘Europe needs more Scientists’.
Her research interests cover areas such as cognitive learning in sciences, relevance of science education, scientific and technological literacy, context based teaching in inquiry based science classroom. She has published over 160 articles (47 articles in international journals, 20 articles in books).

CV: Miia Rannikmäe (etis.ee)