Jack Holbrook


Vanemuise 46-227, Tartu, 51003 Estonia

Contact Information

Call: +372 737 5083

Email: jack.holbrook@ut.ee

Jack Holbrook

Visiting professor

University of Tartu, Centre for Science Education (Estonia)


Jack Holbrook  is visiting professor at UT, with considerable experience in science education worldwide. His PhD is in Chemistry, but he also has a strong school science teaching background, extensive experience in pre- service teacher training; added to expertise from running in-service training workshops in a range of countries in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. He acts as an education consultant in a number of Asian and African countries. His research covers curriculum development in science subjects, teacher education and assessment and evaluation, as well supervising PhD students in use-inspired research, scientific literacy, inquiry learning and changing teacher beliefs. He has written and adapted numerous classroom teaching materials and published books for teachers, as well as science textbooks for use in school. He has been working since 2009 as curriculum and assessment consultant for the Ministry of Education in Bangladesh and from 2013 for
the World Bank on a competence-based curriculum project in Kuwait. He is past president of ICASE and headed ICASE involvement in FP7 projects – PROFILES and ENGINEER.

CV: Jack Holbrook (etis.ee)