Addressing Attractiveness of Science Career Awareness
The ‘SciCar’ Project
Addressing Attractiveness of Science Career Awareness
Project Concept - Objectives
Raising the level of expertise among researchers and educators involved in science & technology (S&T) education.
Addressing the academic training of science education researchers, making science teaching careers attractive and promoting science-related careers through encouraging relevant and attractive science teaching approaches in schools.
Enabling academic training to reflect context-based approaches, responsible research & innovation (RRI) aspects, digital learning and assessment, combining these aspects with career awareness.
Strengthening intra-institutional and inter-institutional synergies of units responsible for S&T education at the University of Tartu (UT) and its Estonian outreach institutions, in cooperation with two internationally leading counterparts
Creating a centre of excellence for the Baltic and eastern European countries emphasising the promotion of early career researchers from science centres and UT post-doctoral and PhD students in the field of science education